Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby Robert

Hi Here is a picture of Baby Robert, it's a bit fuzzy but he is there. We found out today that our baby is a boy, we initially wanted to keep it a surprise but after a few complications earlier this week we had to go to a specialist and we decided to find out. 
Like I said these pics are not as clear, but the ones we got from the specialist are very good in 4D unfortunately we only got hard copies so until we get a scanner you will have to settle for the ones that were taken at the hopital where Kristi works.


Ford Family said...

BOYS ROCK! I am so glad all is well! Love ya!

swampbaby said...

Yay! Boys are so full of life and energy and lots of crazy! And they love their mama lots and lots.

kimber said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations! And I hope the complications were all resolved!!

The Wi Family said...

Yay!! Congrats! Hope things are going well.

Adah said...

Congratulations on having a boy!! You will be having so much fun with him in just a few months!!!

Horn Family said...

How fun!!! We have three boys and Love them Lots!!!!